Saturday 5 September 2015

Always been a surprise

Flowers have always been a surprise...
How dashing they look inspite of the poor environmental circumstances they are actually...

Saturday 29 August 2015

Saturday 8 August 2015

Thursday 9 July 2015

Rainbow of LOVE

You give me shades of Grey 
  with, Your moods of Black and
White; And a kiss as hot as 
  Red, A hug as cool as Blue; You 
are as naughty as Yellow,

  And as vibrant as Violet; We are
apart by land as vast as Green,
  yet as intimate as Indigo and as
warm as Orange, Believe me 
  or not you are my Rainbow of 

Monday 29 June 2015

Women's Heart

Deep inside every woman's Heart
Is an Ocean of Passion Waiting
             To be Discovered
Some Women know this , Some
Don't but when the time is
Right, that  Passion will
Find  its total Realization....

P.S: Try reading the italic words...

Friday 19 June 2015


Nothing more peacefull than the feel of breeze before rain...
Especially on a hectic friday...
A click outside office...

Thursday 18 June 2015